Tuesday, August 14, 2012



My name is Keith Wilson.  I am the Worship Arts Director at Springfield Southern Baptist Church in Springfield, IL.

The short version of my bio is that I am saved from myself by Grace, and I am a grateful recipient of Mercy.

I am also a musician; a worship leader; and a choir director.

And I am honored to serve at this church and be able to share the journey with you.
This blog is designed to keep you informed on the arts at Springfield Southern Baptist Church.  Along the way, you're bound to hear my thoughts on the arts in ministry.  The importance of the arts in ministry is scripture-based and God-ordained.

I hope, through this site, to help guide you as we explore just what the Bible says about the arts and how it impacts us in our daily lives as we seek to honor God.  I hope to be able to relate to you the many facets of arts and the roles they play in ministry, and worship in particular.

I will also be sharing stories and life experiences that may brighten your day, encourage you, and perhaps even inspire you.  You may even laugh on occasion.

If I can do any of these things, then this site will have been a success.

And, if it does none of these things---well, we'll regroup and try again.


Keith Wilson
Worship Arts Director
Springfield Southern Baptist Church
225 N Grand Ave E
Springfield, IL 62702